i miss the weather that you are having, you guys dont know how good you really have it, i would give anything for that. Our mission is doing a bom challenge that they want you to participate in with us to build unity. we are asked to start it on wednesday, that is our transfers. we read 7 pages a day and we are asked to indicate all of the doctrine of christ. everytime that you come across a reference to having faith repenting being baptized recieving the holy ghost and enduring to the end in any form, highlight it. so come unto me is included. they say not to do it in your actual scriptures but to go and get a new copy, i recomend the 3 dollar hard back copy of just the bom that we missionaries use. it is the best thing that could happen. it takes about 30 minutes a day to read 7 pages. so it isnt that bad. i think it would be good for the family, i took a film of me dunking in my prosoliting clothing and everything. we measured before to make sure it is 10 feet and there are no strings attatched. there you go, if you freeze frame it my hand is completely over the rim, i just need to work on throwing the ball down like a boss. anyways all is well here, maybe i will be transfered this time? but who knows? we will just have to see. i am doing my best here to do what the lord wants me to do. you know me, i always get things done and work hard Peace!
Hey momma, this week has been pretty good i am really excited about next week, it has been long enough in this area but i dont know if i will be moved, honestly i would like to be, it is good to have change, i am the only missionary that has come in within the last 7 tranfers that hasnt been tranfered yet :) haha it is all for a reason, we knocked on a door and this man started yelling at us that we woke up his baby because we knocked like the freakin police! (those were his words) then he proceeded to come at us till he realized that I am 6 inches taller and 60 pounds heavier, so then instead he got even more mad and asked who we report to, so he can call them and tell them how terrible we are, so i said we report to God and you can get a hold of him anytime, he got even more mad but my statement was 100 percent correct :) so i gave him a number and he called it and got madder because the other missionary said the same thing :) the man doesn’t want me to ever come back so in a few weeks ill go back and ring his doorbell :) i also got pulled over by a cop today, i was going 40 around a round about, because we were late for a teaching appointment, and the cop was on the other side. so he gave me a warning and i have to call the court because i was speeding and i failed to stop at a yield sign. first off yield does not mean stop, and there was nobody to yield too. haha stupid police man :) o well though. i love you!! have a great week and remember that i pray for you everynight! I love you Bye!! :)