Letters from our Boy...Utah

Letters from our Boy...Utah

Monday, December 16, 2013

Because It Snowed...

Hey momma!!

I love you!!  So I am still pretty blown away by this mission and how fast it comes. It is the opposite effect than most other things. haha so you first come out and all you can think about is that they 2 years will never ever come and how long this is going to be and most of us would love to come home after what 6 months? But then you blink and you actually are getting ready to go and all you want to do is stay and you don’t feel like it was long enough and ya, haha that is where i am at right now. I am about to be pulled away from this valley kicking and screaming as you would put it. hahah I do love my mission momma! Yes i am excited to not have a ton of missionaries to keep track of, but man I don’t want it to end. If i could just get married and keep doing this forever with my wify than i would in a heart beat! All I wanted for christmas was a few of your candies, but can you send me like an entire box of peacon logs? :) That is all that i desire :) oh and someone who wants to be baptized, that would be great as well :) I really miss fischer. I think that i am most excited to spend some good quality time with him. i want him to teach me in the first few days how to drive his truck, because i am considering getting a manual truck when i get back? Thank you for not lending out my things, you know how I am on that :) I am excited to be able to skype you guys, can you get it up on the tv so that i can see you all at once? I might get a little trunky then because it will be like 4 weeks before i get to see you in person at that point. haha how weird is that. Anyways momma I love you! I am so thankful for all that you do for me! Will catching fire be out on dvd before i get home? I want to watch both of the movies really bad? Anyways keep pushing forwards momma!! And have a Great week!!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad!! 

I just wanted to say that i love you dad. i hope that you have had a good week. Everything here has been better because it has snowed a few times. And the weather is now getting to be wonderful :) Anyways, can’t wait to see and talk to you at Christmas! 

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Firm But Loving....

Hey momma!!!

I do know that the mission office staff is very aware that i am reaching the end, haha they like to remind me that time is running short. Maybe they will ask me to extend? Chances of that are slim right now throughout the entire world, but I guess we will just have to ride it out a little longer and see what happens. We were taken care of for thanksgiving, I ate to much food like normal. haha but It was a good day. I had an interview with president chambers to renew my temple recommend, it had expired at the end of this month, So ya but all is well here, we are still working really hard for more miracles, I know that they are coming. I love you momma!! I hope that you have a great week!! Can you believe that it is december already?

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad!! haha one of the district leaders got me to talk one day and i explained to him how i was raised, it was smart of him because now he understands the thought process that i have when it comes to stupid stuff :) I am finding the line between being firm but loving at the same time. That line is hard but from my experience the missionaries that told me straight up exactly how it was were the missionaries that actually had an impact on my life, and I really hope that I never hear that if I would have been a little more bold that they would have been able to stay on a mission. But yes father i will be careful :) and a little more understanding. So we felt prompted to go to a house of a lady that cancelled our lesson. And as we got there we found that they had recently been told by their land lord that they have 2 weeks to be out of the house and were put in a very hard position. They were gone all day looking for a place to stay until they figure things out. They had been stressed and they asked us for a blessing. It is so important to always be worthy of using the priesthood. We did and you can just see how big that was for this family. I love it. 

Is it not crazy how fast time is going? I love you dad, I hope that you have a great week!

Love your Son Elder Cache Summers 

2 Months AWAY....

So ya this week was a good week as well :) I am trying to hold back and pull as hard as i can on the reigns so that the time will slow down down a little bit, but we will have to see, it is not working as of right now :) So unless the president asks me to extend my mission which i honestly don’t think is going to happen, then i will be home on the 30th. My release date says the 29th and they sent missionaries home on thursday, so I will most likely be walking off the plane sometime on the 30th. Crazy to think about huh? That is only 2 months away. Haha i cant believe it.
But hey On a brighter note there is a family that i worked with at the begging of my mission that the father now is active because of the influence we had on the family and has now received his temple recommend back.
I love you momma!! You are the best momma in the world! Have a great week and remember that I love you!
Love your Son Elder Cache Summers
ps. no cats were kicked this week, maybe next week :)

Hey dad! i dont have very long, I wrote mom first so she will be able to tell you the fun that i had this week. The time is coming down fast and I feel like i am learning more and more every day! That is for sure. It didn’t think it was possible. i learned something really cool about baptism the other day that i will have to show you when i get home :) Your the best dad,i cant wait to watch the super bowl with you! Its going to be great! I love you dad!

Have a great week Love your son, Elder Cache Summers

I Football Kicked a Cat...

Hey momma!!!
I love you so much!! And i see that you are counting down.  So talking about the spirit, isnt it such a great feeling when you trust a prompting form the spirit and you listen, and than you get a confirmation that you did the right thing. I have been trying to do that recently when it comes to helping out missionaries, and it is crazy the things that happen when you take the time to listen :)  So we had a baptism this week and i got to baptize her! She is a 10 year old girl named Lily. It was a great experience! But a close second, i think you might be proud of me. I football kicked a cat!! haha it was just sitting there and i dont know where it came from but i am really allergic to those stupid things, so i kicked it away and it did a complete 360 through the air and was about waist height and went a good 15 feet! haha i think i will pick that up as a new hobby! It felt so good! I thought that you and the family would appriciate hearing that :) I hope i have made you proud with the baptism and then laugh with the cat.:) It was just a great weekend with those 2 events! I love you so much momma!!! Have a great week momma!! I dont need anything for christmas, and i wouldnt want you to send things that i will just be bringing back home. So I have no idea, but maybe i can get a combined christmas and birthday present of a steak dinner cooked by dad and an iphone! That would be just amazing!  I love you so much!!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad!
I had a great week this week! We had an investigator get baptized on saturday and confirmed on sunday. It was great, she asked me to baptize her so i did. she is the second person that i have performed the ordinance for on my mission. I loved it. Also there was this cat that was wandering around by me feet and i kicked it like a football!! Haha it was a great feeling. You would have been proud of me :) It was about waist high, did a complete 360 in the air and traveled about 15 feet. not a really good kick but it is a start for sure. now I gotta get one to do a back flip. Also dont tell mom this but i had the first experience of falling off of a roof this week. It actully doesn’t hurt as bad as i thought that it would. i was getting on the roof to re-roof the house for a member that we know and the ladder fells as i was transitioning from the ladder to the roof, and i fell with it, so the ladder was an A frame ladder, and as i was falling my leg went i between the little rod that keeps it open, so that caught me and through me into the fence as me and now the ladder are falling together, scraping my down the chain link fence to the ground. I jumped up like nothing happened, it was probably only an 8 foot drop, but the back of my leg was bruised pretty good, and when my head hit the fence i got a few good cuts on the back of my head and some up my arm as i rubbed on the fence. It was not graceful at all, but I know that i was blessed. The missionary that was holding the ladder let go and walked away right as i got to the top. but i stood up, straightened that ladder and climbed back up it and got on the roof and worked. So i have successfully roofed my first house. It was a great week in other words. I love you dad, have a great week

Love your son Elder Cache Summers 

Out Here Living Those Mormon Messages....

Hey dad!!

i wanted to thank you for being so hard on me and teaching me the right ways. I have learned a lot just from the way i saw you react to the things that we have done that you have corrected. So thank you for the beatings that i got when i was little and also for you teaching me how to have common sense. It is great! so thank you dad! i know that you don’t want to hear that missionaries are not perfect but in all reality, we are a bunch of kids with a lot of authority for the work of salvation, and sometimes people need to know exactly the effects that they are having :) I hope that all goes well for you this week. I will be praying for you when you go to texas. that will be a rough time :) anyways,i love you dad! have a great week and dont work to hard. I prayed a few time for that baby and i knew that he would be healed. Who couldn't after recieving a blessing from you. If anything you do have a lot of faith. thank you dad.

Love Elder Cache Summers

Hey momma!!

I can always count on you to have a letter waiting for me on pday :) thank you that means a lot. i wont get very many more of those, that is a depressing thought but it is the truth :/ Haha what are you and the faaashaa going to do when you dont have a missionary to write to? Haha that will be weird huh? It would be legit to have hayden and fischer and I in the same room again for a little while :) It would be such a funny room if that were to happen :) I have not seen that new message but it sounds legit! I dont have any access to that kind of stuff so i will have to see it all when i come home, which will be alright, I am out here living those mormon messages right now so that is way better. If you watch the Ill go where you want me to go message that was filmed in my first area! I actually reactivated a family that lives in one of the houses that you can see :) Funny huh? I am happy that it is snowing as well, alaska needs to prepare for me to tear it all up on the machines this winter, so there better be a lot of snow. Anyways mom I love you so much!! Your amazing! And that spider was some kinda Gardener freak? The thing was like as big as my freakin head. you should have seen me trying to catch it, I looked like a little girl, but that thing was not ok :) I have a new companion, he is from Johansburge South Africa!! Who would have thought here in utah huh? He is white not black but the kid is legit, I am still a zone leader and i stayed in my area :) Ok have a great week!

Love Elder Cache Summers

I Still Love The Mission....

Hey momma!!

The house we stay in really is a dream house, but i can never see myself in a place like that. You should see our land lords cabin. Wow! I am doing my best to lose myself in this work and it is working very well! But all that does is make time go faster and I really don’t want that to happen. I love you guys but i would rather be here and work forever. it will be a sad day when i have to get on the airplane. Oh and i have decided that children with red hair really are the cutest little things in the world! I don’t care what others say that is a fact :) Leadership is a blessing, I have now realized that in the scriptures that prophets are only ever sorrowful and burdened because of there stewardship's stupidity. I agree and it is the same for me :) Anyways i love you momma! you are the best momma in the world! Have a great week! can you believe that it is almost halloween?!?!?!??!?!?
Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad!
I agree with you the time is going by way to fast. Each day that goes by goes faster and faster. I often hope that it will slow down a little bit but it never ceases to amaze me that it just continues to slip by faster and faster.
On more of a serious note I will pray for the Hayes baby, i do believe that he will be healed. If it has been done before than why not now. The lord works the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrew 13:5 i believe. And i am convinced that in the near future you will be the bishop, your calling is a preparatory calling for area seventy or apostle or something :) haha just messing around, if the lord needs you there than he will call you. one of our bishops in our stake down here is 31 i think and there was one in one of my areas that was 28. crazy huh? Have you been to the temple recently and seen the new movie? If not, please go, it is amazing. I still love the mission a lot!! it is the best choice that i have ever made! This church is true for sure! I love you dad have a great week!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers 

Working Everyday Like It Is My Last....

Hey momma!!!
So that family that we ate with last night love us. He is the high councilman over missionary work and they have 9 kids and they all have scripture names. Abraham Ezrum, Hyrum, Corum, jacob, ect, haha it is great. it is hard to remember them all but it is great. The family is so amazing and i dont know how they can handle 9 kids all under 17 :) The work is still going well. We have an entire nonmember family that should all get baptized, so that is going to be freaking legit! I actually do not remember singing that song, i only remember you having me sing yanta taus is toming to town. :) I hope that your weeks are not hard, the lord will always bless us with the strength that we need to accomplish our talks. And plus i will be praying for you so you will be perfectly fine :) I love you mom!! you are the best! I am sorry i wish that i could write some more but I had to write a lot to president chambers because of some of the things that we have been doing to help our missionaries. I swear that Missionaries are going to be the end of me. Haha missionaries are supposed to be perfect what the heck! Anyways I love you momma!! Remember always look up!

love Your readheaded son
Elder Cache Summers :)
Hey dad!
I hope that you enjoy the pictures, I sure dont do a good job at taking them or sending them to you guys. I need to get better at that. I have been trying to focus on writing everything down in my journal. It is going pretty well. I try to write down the things that would be beneficial to the people that will be reading it. I bought a new one on my mission and i am going to try and fill it all up. I should be able to do it.
So I have been in the process of writing you a hand writen letter and talking about some of the cool things that i have been learning about recently.i hope that you enjoy it. It will be in the mail for you sometime this week. I hope that fish gets to finish strong. He is a little animal. i am a little upset that i have to miss the season but it will be there when i get back, he will get to tell me all about it. Every day i am reminded that I dont have very long left on the mission. but i am working like every day is my last in order to do the most good. I dont imagine that i will ever come home as to not distract me. I love this work! Anyways i love you dad! Have a great week. Hang in there, there will be a lot of big fish next year. Thank you for all that you do for me dad! I love you

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Finder, Teacher, Baptizer...

Hey momma!!!

So we have a lot of moms in the area that i am in now, that have children that are out serving so they all want to call you and send you pictures hoping that they will get one from someone from theirs sons area :) So sorry if you have been bombarded with them but we really can’t say no to that so it happens. Yes i got to go to the conference center. I was the group leader so i was stressed about having 20 missionaries to be in charge of. but all went well, the highlight of the day, as we were walking out we walked behind a legit midget in a midget suit!! and while that was happening a door opened and elder Perry walked by and brushed my shoulder! so i touched an apostle while looking at a midget!! Best day ever!! We get to go through the Draper temple today at 1 so that is going to happen, and we found a complete non member family of 6 who are going to get baptized on the 2nd of November, so once through the temple the week will have been one of the best weeks ever! I am so happy that Fischer won his game! I am really proud of that kid and i miss him. And i am glad that i could help Hayden out to, i miss them both. Anyways I love you momma!! I am so happy that I have more time to serve the lord, i am excited to see you all when i get back but there are people here that need me until then :) I Love you!!
I love you momma!! have a great week!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers

I loved conference as well! I cannot believe that it has come and gone already. Time just goes really fast. I talked about you last night in front of all 6 ward councils in our stake and told them how great of an example that you are to me. Thank you for all that you do for me dad! I couldn’t have a better dad.  Have a great week! I love you dad!!

Love your son, Elder Cache Summers

Finder, Teacher, BAPTIZER

Chill In The Celestial Kingdom...

I wish that i could see Fischer play football!! dang, we are just going to have to chill in the celestial kingdom, put his senior year up on the big screen and just watch :) Yes I was transferred this time and i feel like it was huge blessing. I love the Ysa but I did feel like certain people were getting too attached to me as I was there and things were starting to get a little weird. I don’t know why people do that but it was for sure the best thing for me to be transferred :) So i am still a zone leader, and i have been called to open up a new zone. My new companion is elder clark, this is his first transfer as a zone leader so i am training him to be a zone leader. i have been directed to make him better than I am, which won’t be very hard because he is a great missionary. I feel really spoiled, they gave me a brand new 2013 ford focus, and the house we live in is massive. I would go as far to say a mansion. There is a huge place we live in and then behind a door there is a huge family room, then behind another door is a theater room with vibrating seats and a pool and ping pong table. :) I will never have a car this nice or a place this nice ever so I think I am just going to soak it all in :) I love the new area, we are going to have a lot of baptisms!! I am glad Hayden likes the bike, it is a sweet bike that’s for sure. I love you mom!! Anyways i better go, i love you mom!! Have a great week!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad!! That would have been so cool to see them butcher the whale! I dont even know how I would go about that? That would be intense. And dang they beat them! I actually prayed for that to happen so i guess it is safe to say that the Lord loves his football :) I am glad that palmer lost. i enjoyed beating them more than i enjoyed spanking wasilla on their field. I do miss football. We will see what happens after the mish huh? I was transferred the people here are very wealthy, but i love them. There is so much potential here. i love my companion and all of the other missionaries that i am working with. We finally have sisters back in the zone, i am still a zone leader and i love it!  President and sister chambers called us on saturday night and they wanted to just come join us in the work, so we worked with them from 6pm to 9pm on saturday, that was so much fun. Every single door that we knocked on opened and let us in! That was the first time that that has ever happened to me. And he got to see us work with the members in the area. I thought it was great. i got to ask him questions and he answered them for me. I love my mission president. I get to go to the priesthood session of conference!! I am stoked! I love you guys! thanks for all that you do for me dad. Have a great week.

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

I Will Continue To Make You Proud...

Hey momma!!
wow you had a lot to say last night! I am so glad that fischer won his game, i was praying for that to happen! Mom i miss that little kid. It is all good though, he will be fine, and i will get to see him kick butt in track. I will do my best to get the bike to him, we have transfers on the 25th this month so if i have a car still i will make sure to arrange a way to get the bike to him. He is a great guy. I miss him a lot to. It is diffecult knowing how close he is but i must stay obedient :). I love you mom!! Sorry time today is short. If i have a car still than he can use the bike, it is doing nothing as of right now. Keep being amazing momma! i dont even know how you do it!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers :)

Hey momma!!
Did you get the box that i sent home with all the stuff i am gaining on my mission? I might send home one or 2 more boxes just  of the paper weight. Books and planners and such? It will be nice though because whatever i want to leave here i can just give to hayden and holley for a while. they would love that huh? :) How many kids does any have now? twins, haha that is going to be so funny! i will have to ride fishmans sled though, because i dont have one anymore :/ I actually have no idea if i will get one for a while? The mission is still great. I had a bishop have me stand up in church and tell everybody about me and the family and they started asking me questions, than they started asking me what characteristics I want in a wife. Haha super awkward being a missionary in the young single adult ward. I felt like i was in a market and or being sold. haha it was great, and our companion elder Ashby got his visa and he is heading down to Brazil as we speak. It will be good for him and i am going to miss him. I went over to his house the other day and met his mom when he wasnt with me. that was nice. A friends son bo got baptized on saturday and he asked me to do the confirmation, so i got to go down to draper and confirm him a member of the church! That was great! I love that family! They will be friends forever. Anyways mom i love you! Thank you for being there for me!! I couldnt have been blessed with better parents! Have a great week and hang in there!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers :)

What the heck!? you got to see them kill it? Or did you just get to see them drag it up on the shore? Bret has been emailing me recently, it has been great. Is he on the high council of his stake? He knows the scriptures pretty well. We were talking about 1 nephi 8 with why the rod is made out of iron and a few other questions, one being why didnt lehi throw the fruit to laman and lemuel, and why did lehi not notice the great and spacious building untill verse 25 and 26? those are some good questions to ponder about for a little while. That is crazy seeing that whale, but it looked like a baby one? How big was it do you know? I sure hope that fischer gets to go to the playoffs this year. he really does deserve it. How come we have such great youth teams but we cant ever win it all up top? I still love the mission. we have transfer calls tonight so it will most likely be super busy for us having to call 25 elders and tell them where they are going. :) I love you dad! It looks like i need to come and show fishman how to catch a little bit bigger fish huh? Have a great week dad! I love you and i will continue to make you proud!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Miss The Cold.....

Hey dad!!  It rained down here for the last 2 days. it was great!! I do miss the rain. I am not too excited to come home in the coldest part of the year but it is going to be great also. i miss the cold. It still is in the 90's here. I dont understand it though because it was september that things would start to cool down but I was wrong :) The temple is great. I was actually wondering if we could hit the temple when I get back? maybe for the first day that i am home? Before that happens though i need to Baptize a couple more people :) I think that this area is about to explode with people to teach. We are teaching a lot of less actives but we need to find non members. It is good to hear that all is well back home. I love you dad and thanks for the email!!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

I am living with an old man that has diabetes. He is almost blind and can hardly move around. He is problably one of the better land lords in the mission though. He does nothing but sit at home and dream of new ways that he can make our living situation better and better. Our house is very nice and clean. The only thing wrong with it is that we had a spider infestation, the basement where we live was full of hobo spiders and brown widows. That wasn’t very fun but we spent 2 hours today killing all of them and making the house spider proof. I really hate spiders. that is one thing I love about alaska is that it is too celestial for all of these nasty spiders and snakes and crap. Training is hard, but I love it, I don’t think they could put very much more responsibility on me as of right now, I just need t figure out how to keep moving forward :) I love the mission though. I am starting to love the ysa also, I think that I have finally figured out how to best work in the ysa so now we should start seeing an increase in all things. thank you for the shoes that you sent me. they are great and have lasted longer in the best condition than any others. It is probably because it is from alaska. :) I am banking on them lasting until I get home! anyways I better keep going. i love you momma!! you are so amazing!! your influence on me is spreading wider than you will or can ever imagine! Have a great week!! I love you!!

Love your son. Elder Cache Summers

Monday, September 2, 2013

I Have Mixed Feelings....

Hey dad!! i loved your email, and those pictures are great, I can’t wait to get to go and catch some of those big lings. I just can’t believe how big those things are! I miss catching big fish. Yes, things can get a little awkward teaching the girls that I should be dating but it doesn’t really bother me that bad. There are worse things out there, but I just want to keep teaching everybody. It is hard to now be finding families and having to give them to other missionaries, but we are all on the same team. I love both of my companions right now. I think we actually are having too much fun together. haha because of that one of us will probably get transferred. I cannot believe that the leaves are already turning and the winter is coming. It is still green and hot down here. I am excited that the weather is supposed to be cooling off down to some more celestial temperatures. I sure hope that the football team gets their act together, and by that I mean the coaches, the players have the talent, they just need to be pointed in the right direction that is all. Anyways I love you dad!! I hope that you have a great week! I will keep finding, teaching, and baptizing!

Love your Son Elder Cache Summers 

Hey momma!!

I have a lot of mixed feelings about the winter coming so fast. I still
think it is hotter than Jennifer Aniston down here so I want it to cool off,
but when the winter hits then it is going to really hit me that I have to
come home soon. And with that I have mixed feelings too. Obviously I miss you
guys all like crazy,  but I love being on a mission. I honestly think that it
is going to be infinitely harder getting on a plane to come home than it was
to come here. I think that Hayden will be able to hang out with me sometime
in my last week though? We will have to see. :) He told me that it is hard
for him to write because it makes him miss me more.  I miss him a lot too.

I  feel bad for Fish because he works so hard for no
reward. I think that that is just preparing him for his mission, because
this is seriously the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. You and dad
of all people know the hard jobs I have had  and the work that we have done,
 but this work is harder. Crazy huh? So this is good for him, he will be
a great Missionary. He better be better than both me and Hayden are, that is
the way it has to work, anything less is unacceptable :) haha

Love Elder Cache Summers
ps. can you believe there is only 1 more month till conference?

I Don't Want It To End...

You know how it is, the fourth quarter is my strongest quarter. I feel like I have finally figured out how to share the gospel and work well with the missionaries and the members so I am excited to just go out and do my very best until the end! I cannot believe how fast it has gone. I don’t want it to end but there is a season for everything right. That is too bad that the team lost. I feel like Fish comes out a winner either way. If he plays his best that is all that really matters. That is so crazy that everybody is either leaving or coming home from the missions! Time goes by fast. I still love it down here and I learn more and more every day! I am learning a lot about being a leader. I feel like this is going to be huge in the success of my future family. It is harder than heck, but it is great! I love you dad! have a great week and good luck catching some big fish. 
Love your Son Elder Cache Summers 

Hey momma!!!

 I am glad that Fishman is getting to play more, he will get to win at some point, and if it doesn’t happen than it won’t be the end of the world, Football is great but there are a lot more bigger things, I am trying to excersize so that I am not very much smaller than him when I get home. :) Lets see, I am still trying to adjust to the YSA stake, I love it but it is pretty difficult to work and catch them home and be around them without every person in the world thinking that we are flirting and stuff. That is one thing about Utah, they all watch everything that we do and call in to tell the president frequently how terrible the missionaries are because there was a companionship that got home at 9:01 and not 9:00pm. haha you would be surprised at how much that happens :) Its kinda ridiculous. But anyways I love you momma!! Today has been a tough one :) Have a great week momma!!! I love you so much!!

Baptism...That Is My New Favorite Word.....

Hey momma!!!

i loved your letter!! it was long but i can read faster now so it is all good, please write as much as you want! :) Elder Bednar is a boss. I think that word sums him up pretty good. I haven’t got to see him here yet but that is ok, I have been more blessed here than most. I was not transfered but my companion was. he is actually now training in my zone, i am his zone leader :) haha funny how things work, he hated me so much that he was put in my zone :):) My new companion is training as a zone leader, and we also have another companion, he is waiting for a visa to go to brazil, so now we as a companionship speak english, spanish and Portugese, we are well covered on the bases here. :) So yes I am in a way double training and being a zone leader right now, haha a little crazy but it is going to work great, and on top of that I have been assigned to only work in the YSA stake :) funny huh? So we are trying to make things work :) We had 2 people get baptized this week also, so that made everything better, after all is said and done when you are baptizing you are happy :) I love baptizing people!!!! BAPTISM!! that is my new favorite word. We need to be baptizing more people everywhere. I hope fishman is doing ok, he is a good little player. I cannot ever repay you for the love you have shown to me and the work you put into me, I guess I can keep pushing forward here and show you my love and appreciation by spreading what you taught me. The lord is real and he loves us momma!! i love you! Have a great week!!

Love your son,
Elder Cache Summers!!

I think many times we as members of the church think that our standing in the lords eyes is comfortable and that we are doing what the lord says sitting in front of him on his rock, but then we look at the ground and realize that we are really standing in the world and looking in the window at the lord, and there is a big wave behind us ready to wash us away.
This week we met a girl, she is a ysa girl and she is a big old samoan lady :) she is funny too, but her friend, (who actually came to the mission office with me on the first day of my mission, that is weird because I have been out and all the sisters with me are home, weird huh,) invited her to meet with us. We shared a thought and challenged her to not drink anymore and and read a chapter in the bom, she did so and 2 days later was still clean. This time she asked if we were going to teach the law of chastity, confident that we would say no and that she would make us feel uncomfortable.  haha think again. We shared the first part of the plan of salvation , helped her briefly understand who she really was, than we dropped the hammer. No more bars, no more sex, no more of this and this and this. Very bold as Jesus himself would say it, there was no sugar on that one. She sat there stunned as I challenged her on this. We met her again Sunday and she was clean of all those things, then she said jokingly that she didn’t ask for this change when she met with us, and how it is hard because we stopped her cold turkey right there. This is what I said, "We are just preparing you for the second coming. The Lord will come as a thief in the night. he isn’t going to say, next week I will be there, start to straighten up. He will come when least expected and that will be it, you will either be on his side or not.  Is this not what we did to you?  Now you are preparing for him.”  She was pleased with that answer. She is far more prepared right now, than most members of the church. interesting huh, how one small test of faith can show you where someones standing is with the Lord. :)
Anyways i got 2 new companions, they are great, a new zone leader and a new missionary we are training also, this should make for an interesting transfer. the new one is waiting for his visa to go to brazil, it might be a while for him. I love them both they are great! I will keep making you proud and I will finish strong as always, there is no stop button in the Summers family and that will never start with me. I love the Savior too much to slow down in his work. I will not get in his way. :) Have a great week dad! I am glad that you had the faith to obey the voice of a prophet and look, as moses said, look and ye shall be saved.  That is what separates the good and the best.

Love your son,

Elder Cache Summers  

Because A General Authority Told Me Too....

Hey dad!
Transfers are tomorrow, It is off because the MTC needs them out before Wednesday, which is the normal transfers. We will find out later tonight if we are moved and what exactly is happening, all we know as of now is that the MTC has 150 visa waiters that they have no idea what to do with, so each zone leader companionship will also be getting a visa waiter, so if i stay as a zone leader, than I will be training a new missionary all at the same time, I am excited about that! It is going to be a lot of work that is for sure but it will be fun. I think the visa waiters are going to turn out as really really good missionaries I am jealous that you are getting Elder Bednar, he is one of my favorites to listen to. I have learned that they all carry the exact same authority and there is no difference between any of them. That will be a great experience! . Anyways thanks for all that you do for me dad!
Love your son
Elder Cache Summers

Hey momma!!!!
  Something very cool happened to me this week and I want you to share this with dad because a general authority told me to :) We had a mission tour and Elder Arnold of the first quorum of the seventy came and talked about how we can do better as missionaries and how we can hasten the work. And he asked to interview all of the zone leaders, so I got my own personal interview with a general authority and guess what he said? "Elder Summers, tell me about your family, are they members? active? born in the church, tell me how you got here today." So I answered that I was born and raised by great parents who were not always active, but got married in the temple before having children. Active ever since. He than asked how was my home life and how centered on the gospel it was, so I told him about Amanda and how she is the glue that holds our family to the church and that I was taught my entire life how I can live to be with my family forever. He was eating his lunch as we talked and when I said that he stopped eating and leaned forwards and said I want you to write your mom and your dad and tell them that you were interviewed by me and I am thankful that your parents raised you how they did. I want you to thank them for their faithful service and sending you on a mission. He then said when you walked in that door there was a very strong spirit that entered with you. Thank you and thank your parents for me. Then after the mission tour he shook my hand, double took, grabbed me by my shoulders and said thank you for giving me time with you today, I will cherish that time.
  So thank you mom and dad for raising me in this gospel, that comes from a man that personally knows and is friends with the prophet and Jesus Christ. Have a great week momma!! O ya we had a baptism yesterday!
I love you momma!!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers

We Might As Well Just Do It....

Hey dad!! We found a girl in her 20's on saturday who is getting baptized on sunday the 11th. it is fast but she is so prepared, she had been coming to church and knows that it is true already. She actually got up and bore her testimony yesterday about how she knows this is the true church and how she is really excited to get baptized. I love this work. I will endure to the end and push harder than ever before. I love you dad! Have a great week!! Thank you for all that you do for me. Your the best dad in the world!!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers
Hey momma!!
I have been thinking about you a lot this week and I finally got your birthday present done. I am going to try to get it in the mail this week sometime so you should be expecting it. The goal is to make you cry. sorry but i just wanted to be honest :) So I was thinking about it a lot and something that you said in your letter hit me hard and it reminded me of something that dad said to me. He said being a member of this church is like having fire insurance on your house. He can explain it better than me, but basically this is what I got. If we live the gospel and everything involved in that and endure to the end and we die and there is no God, what have we missed out on? having a hangover? kids out of wedlock? Crazy music and harmful things to our bodies? sounds great huh? haha but what if we don’t live the gospel and get there and there is a God?  How would we feel then? This church is true, there is no doubt about that, but what are we missing if we are not a member and or not active. It is a win win on our part. So we might as well just do it :) Mom, we are having miracles left and right. It is so amazing to see the work of the Lord move forward. transfers are on the 14th so in 2 weeks you will find out what has happened :) whatever happens will be well. My companion and I got in a big old fight and now we are like best friends and we no longer have any problems :) haha I love you momma!!! The thing i need most is shoes. I love you!!
Love your son

Elder Cache Summers

It Has Changed My Life....

  We are going to baptize Taylor Steiners twin sister.  When she opened the door I was more than a little confused. I just stared at her until she reached her hand out and said  her name, but she is really awesome mom. Her parents are both return missionaries that hate the church but she feels the spirit and wants to get baptized really bad. She is preparing, But she talked to her parents and  told them what she is going to do and they got mad and told her that they would kick her out of the house if she didn’t change her mind and not get baptized. How messed up is that. I can see them reacting like that if she said that she is pregnant or something like that but trying to follow Christ as best she can? come on right? :) But she was an answer to prayers for me for sure. Teaching her the gospel is fun and it is exactly what i needed now. She is so prepared that it brings comfort just knowing that the lord touches people and prepares people and our job is just to create a spiritual experience and then let the spirit teach them what they need. Longest transfer in the history of our mission!! Dang it is an 8 week transfer, and the transfers are on august 14. I know that there will be a change in our companionship but I am not sure if it will be me leaving or staying? We will just have to see. I love this area though. The people here are nice. Mom i just love everything about this experience. It has changed my life and I cannot be any more thankful for this. The time is coming down to a close and really fast. It is going to feel like tomorrow when i am back at the house. I am not very happy about that because i love it here. But it will happen. Thank you for all that you do for me momma!! You are one of the biggest blessings in my life. I was the luckiest little spirit child in the pre earth life when i got to be with you :) Have a great week momma!!! I love you!
Love your son Elder Cache Summers :)

Hey dad!!
The pictures you sent of the ling were great! I bet they tasted good? So there is this lady down here that lived in Alaska for a few years and that is where she got back into the church. But anyways she went and got some salmon and asked me to cook it for her. (She is basically like a grandma to us as missionaries.) But I cooked it with the mayo and onions and garlic and whatever else i wanted to put on it and it was really  really good. Whoever invented that had to be inspired. But Elder Niupalau my companion said he didnt want any because he doesnt like to eat fish, but once I convinced him to eat one bite it was a matter of seconds before the entire fillet was gone. :) It reminded me of home and how we get to eat salmon every day if we want to. There is nothing better than a good old fillet of salmon and onions. o man. It is a hard thought to think that in 6 months i will be back home. We see missionaries come home here all the time and is looks pretty rough. haha but it is a natural part of the plan and it needs to happen. I just cant wait to see the fish that has been growing out there these last 2 years waiting for me to put a lure in front of its face. :) Hopefully he is ready for the fight that we are going to have. Is there any way that i would be able to get you down to Idaho to teach me how to catch a sturgeon? Anyways thank you for opportunity that you and mom have given me to come and bless other people lives. The other night I watched as part of my patriarchal blessing came true and there would have been no way that could have happened if I wasnt choosing the right and if I wasnt doing what the lord wants me to be doing. So as of right now I know with a surety that I was foreordained to be here at this exact time in this exact place to do what the lord needs me to do. Thank you for this chance that you and mom have given me by being my example and leader and most importantly you being my dad and father, and mom being my mother. I love you dad, have a great week!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

The Life Of A Missionary....

Hey dad!! Hope your week is going well! we had another baptism this week and she is planning on going to the temple on friday and doing baptisms for the dead. She is so legit, Looks like you are having fun on the water and with the family. It feel like it was yesterday that I was in those pictures and here we are 18 months down the road and it still feels like yesterday. I love you dad!
Love your son -Elder Cache Summers-

Hey momma!!!!
I love you mom! I hope that you know that. I felt like home with that family that sent you pictures. the man in that family is not a member and he went and caught all of the craw fish for one of my favorite missionaries elder grover, but elder grover went home last monday to repent of some things, that was hard. But ya we had to catch them which was fun, I almost stuck one to my companions ear but that wouldn’t have help the situation :) Then we cooked them and then we ate them! They were playing hillbilly music and I just felt like I was at home eating seafood with you guys. It made me a little trunky for the very first time in my mission but that passed very quickly as I was back to real life. The life of a missionary:) Thank you for all of the pictures! They were great, but i have not seen an updated picture of my sweet momma! I am starting a diet today that will hopefully make me nice and perfect for me to come home haha no I just am tired of being in between fat and skinny. I have to go one way or the other and it is going to go slim for now. We will just see though. Who knows what can happen. We had a baptism yesterday, here she is her name in Hailey and she is legit. We found her and 8 days later she was baptized. i love you so much momma!! Have a great week!! This church it true, the book is blue and God is a mormon. :) I love you!!

Love your son -Elder Cache Summers-

It Is All Part Of The Lord's Plan...

Hey momma!!  So I was thinking and had this feeling that i would get a Letter and sure enough i got one from my momma!! Yes i got the package from Grandma and it was great! they didnt even last the week because i loved them so much. One of our investigators tried to make them and she did not make them very celestial thats for sure. i havent gotten any fish pictures this year yet either??? I cannot even believe how fast the mission goes. But it is all part of the lords plan. hey momma I love you so much!!!! Have a great week!  I will keep trying to Write you a hand writen letter.  I love you momma!!!

Love your Son!! Elder Cache Summers!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I Would In A Hearbeat....

I am so happy that i got to call you yesterday! the next time i call you i will probably have my flight plans. i love and hate that at the same time. if i could serve a mission for the rest of my life i would in a heart beat but i know that i have to have a family sometime. you need red head grandchildren. :) mom you look amazing! i cannot wait to give you a big hug when i get home. But hey my zone leader is about to eat my shoulder so i better go and get him some food. sometimes he gets a little cranky. Love you mom!! your the best mom in the world!! Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Hey dad it was great to see you guys to! It felt like i was back home and it was Hayden that we were all staring at instead of me, haha but you guys are amazing! i remembered how much i missed you and loved you. Our family is so cool. anyways i better keep going, thanks for all you do and keep helping the missionaries, they need the blessings. we all do ":)
Love your son Elder Cache Summers

But The Work Must Go On...

Hey momma!!!  but the work must go on!! I am glad that you had a great time and that you enjoyed the weather. :) It has been a long time coming for you and i bet all of your family was super excited to see you again after so long! I am not sure why but i felt really stongly that i needed to write grandma hardy so i am glad that she got it and that it made her happy. I hear that she needs more happiness in her life right now:)  Hey i got to watch Toy Story 3 on the 4th of july!!! They locked us in again so we couldn't get in trouble and than we got to watch a movie! I miss movies! Well momma thank you for all that you do!! O ya they changed our dress code and we can no longer have backpacks so i need to have a side bag. So i just wanted to let you know,  i will be getting one of those today. :)
I LOVE YOU MOMMA!~!! I dont know what i would do without you!!!!

Love your Son,
Elder Cache Summers!!!!!! :)

Hey dad!!!! thank you for writing! It sounds like you survived the states. I had the worst allergies for like 3 or 4 weeks but now they are all gone. The other moring all the people here were in coats for excersize and it was like 65 degrees and i was loving in outside, and than when i tell people that i wore a short sleeve and my suit jacket all winter and that is it, and than they crap and think that i am crazy :) is it weird not having the boat to worry about? I bet it is a huge load off your your chest. And i was just thinking about it, after this fall we can go moose hunting because we will not have football to be a part of. wow that is a crazy thought. But it would be great to stick a big old moose with an arrow wouldn't it? Sorry that the fishing has been bad, but we have to go through the hard times to get to and appreciate the good times. the fish will come back. haha we can just blame it on the commercial fisherman now right? haha jk we know all they do is help it. But ya thank you for all that you do!! You are the best dad in the world!!
I Love you dad!!
See you guys later, Love your son Elder Cache Summers

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It Is Good.....

Hey momma!!!
 I love you!! yes we had a big change this week but it is good. I decided that change is an eternal principle. Obviously god is an unchangable god but we are expected to change and align our will with gods will as we are here on earth. without change we would be at a stand still and there would be no eternal progression. So i am very glad that this change happened. i love and miss president and sister miller but i also love and know that president and sister chambers need to be here right now for this mission!! All it did for me was let me know how inspired the prophet is and all of the leadership in this church. And also that the church is  true!!!  it has just been a great week!!  I am glad that you are in the heat. I have a picture on my camera of our thermomiter in the car reading 118 degrees farenhite. mom i think that i literally might die of heat this year. It is way too hot in this desert for me. I just stand there and sweat all day. O ya this weekend we had 2 baptisms!!  Anyways momma I love you!! I better let you go and have fun with the family!! I only have 7 months :/ it is going way to fast. I love you!!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers!

 Hey dad!!
The life of a missionary is very unpredictable but today has been busy :) man i miss fishin a lot! next year at this time i will be out on a boat commercial fishing again. haha out where i belong. But i realized that all the fishing that we did just helped to prepare me to be a fisher of men. and that truly is the most important work. hopefully next year is a big year for kings, it is about time to lace into one of them again. It is hotter than satan down here and i think i have almost died of heat like 3 times this week. I don't know how people do it here. It makes sense why everybody lets their daughters run around naked down here. i would too if i wasn't a missionary :) Anyways dad i love you and thank you for all the support and all that you have done for me!! have a great week!

This Mission Has Taught Me How To Love......

Hey dad!!! you are right on that one.  people think it is the end of the world to have to travel for 2 hours in the car. they will drive for 2 hours saturday night, get home at 11pm and miss 1 oclock church the next day because they are too tired. haha i laughed and told them that there were times where you and i would barely get 8 hours of sleep a week, and then when i told them that i would work with Justin for 4 days without stopping or having a nap or sleep of anykind they think that it is impossible. :) but no we got the missionaries whipped back into the fold of god, no worries :) Dad if nothing else this mission has taught me how to love people. I know it sounds weird but when a missionary causes so much problems you would think that i would be really upset with them but i am not like that anymore, i feel this love for them because i have no idea where they came form or what they are going through. It is weird.  No i didnt get to go the the marriot thing but we had a mission conference instead. and our president and his wife and daughter bore there departing testimony to us as a mission. in there 3 years they took care of over 800 missionaries that have come and gone through this mission. crazy huh? I dont think we will get any technology here for a while either? who knows though. I hope that you dont get too bored up there catching fish? :) It is so weird to think that this winter i will be home and watching the superbowl with you. I only get to serve for 7 more months. man that sucks to think about. If i could have a wife on a mission i would do this for the rest of my life without any questions. there is no better thing in this entire world than building the kingdom of god here on this earth. I love you dad! Dont have to much fun this week! Im excited to here your adventure on the trek. I love you dad

Love your son Elder Cache Summers 

We Always Have Our Guard Up.....

Haha i think it is really funny that you wanted to make a lifesize cut out of me! I think that would be pretty cool, but it doesnt really matter that i am not there. haha it doesn't matter who is there, as long as they make the covenant. that is all that matters! hopefully i get the mail today, it has been a while since i got letters, so that is always nice :) I am glad for Hayden, i just cant wait to come back and kick his butt at everything that we do :) haha im just playing around, I miss you all a lot, but it is weird because i know that i miss you but at the same time that has never worried me before on my entire mission. maybe right at first, but before we all know it I'm going to be home and life will presume almost exactly how it was before. haha I am not looking forward to being awkward around everything for the first couple of weeks, but i will do it. Mom i love being a leader! It feels nice to help investigators and people, but i think that it feels better helping the missionaries, because than your reach extends to hundreds of people. I did an baptism interview for a 21 year old man and he is planning on going on a mission in 1 year when he can go through the temple! It is so cool seeing that the missionaries we help help others who that one person can effect so many other!! But i got to see the ugly side of it this week. We had some trouble with a missionary, i dont really know but it was evidence to me that we must always have our guards up. Satan will tempt even the strongest of people, and if they allow him to win than he will bind them with his chain. than he gets us and tells us to lie. Satan is so powerful mom. But he has no power on us until we list to the will of the flesh, which than gives him power over us. He is only as powerful as we allow him to be. Anyways momma, I love you so much!!! this time is going by really fast, and I love this Mission and the choice i have made to come!! have a great week momma!! I love you!!!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers!! :) 

All You Have To Do Is Rely On Him....

my last week went like this. Stress out because working ysa  is like highschool drama all over again. we had 2 weddings, and 2 baptism to take care of. So we were busy all week preparing for all of that. wednesday a couple we have been teaching got married and than the husband got baptized on saturday, than we went to Joes wedding and that was awesome!!. We also had 2 leadership trainings and a lot of other meetings for other things. an area seventy came and destroyed the leadership in our stake because they haven't had any baptism this year till this week, so hopefully that will light a fire under them a little and start to help us out. :) That is one bad thing about being in utah, if your ward isnt doing its job the prophet sends seventies to your meetings and an apostle might stop in to let you know that they are watching you :) kinda scary but what can youdo.  But ya the mission is flying right by! i cannot believe how fast it is going. 
 Ok well i better get going. I love you momma!!! I just want you to know that i am happy and safe and i am where i need to be :) Your the best mom in the world! I LOVE YOU!!!!
 Love Elder Cache Summers  

 the weather here has been in the 100s the last 2 days. i am sweating my little jingle bells off and i am not excited for july weather and august. But it is all part of the experience right? haha we have been having more success, we saw 2 weddings and 2 baptisms this week. what is better than that. You guys let a king spool you? man that is unheard of, haha he probably looseded his bail so that it made the fish look big. it was probably a trout also :) I love you dad!! good luck on the trek, make sure you let the lord help you because he will. all you have to do is rely on him. 

Love your son Elder Cache Summers  

Life Is So Crazy......

Hey momma!!!
 mom life is so crazy, and it gets crazier everyday, haha i thought that i had no time when i was a district leader, man it is even harder now that i am a zone leader. I dont understand why people aspire to be here. haha it is not like it is the greatest thing in the world. you definately get blessings from it but man i feel like the days go so fast and there isn't enough time. Well mom i am very gratetful for all you do and especially for how you raised me. I watched a family where the kids were out of control and the parents were trying to discipline them, but i learned that if you don't discipline them at home, than they will not listen to you at church. So thank you for beating me and letting dad beat me so that i wasn't a little freakin turd to you in public. mom this church is true and the lord loves us all so much!! Have a great week!! I love you so much!!

Love your son, Elder Cache Summers :)

Hey dad you look good on that new boat, You like the blue boats dont you? Is it gonna do the job? we are gonna run to whittier and shark fish on that thing right? I sure hope so. It is so hot here but it is good for the people, they complain too much in the winter :) now it is my turn to complain, I had a lady try to tell me that it wasn't hot, i laughed at her :) haha it was funny because we were just messing around. I cannot believe how fast the mission is going dad. it feels like yesterday i was writing you and here we are again. It is going to be really weird going home. Thanks for all that you do dad! you are amazing!! Have a great week!!

Straight to Business....

hey momma!!!!

I am going to get straight to business today :) haha so yes i was transfered to sandy and i am a zone leader over the sandy west zone. I cover a total of 17 wards now, We have a family stake and we also cover all of sandy in the YSA stake. haha i can see this being a fun experience, so i am very excited. My companion is elder niupalau from california. He is a tongan :) haha pres likes to put me with the polys :) We are in charge of 20 missionaries and we take care of all the behind the scenes stuff.  I just wanted you to know how much i love you :) you really are the best mom ever!. I met a missionary who served in alaska and he knows all the same missioanries that we know, that was cool. Anyways momma i love you!! have a great week! Everything down here is just great :)

Love your Son Elder Cache Summers!

Hey dad!!  
I figured you were busy or fell asleep or something so no big deal. I was transfered to sandy and i am a zone leader here over 2 stakes and 20 missionaries. we have a total of 17 wards that we serve in. haha crazy huh? one of the buildings we cover is the same exact building we have at home. that is weird!! i keep think i am going to walk aroung the corner and see you guys. haha it is weird. anyways dad i love and i wanted you to know that i am happy and safe and that everything is going great. I am very thankfull for you letting me become who i am and also thank you for getting me motivated to pay for my own mission. too many people don't pay for their mission. thank you dad it has change my life bigtime because you did that for me so thank you. I love you dad!! Your the best father in the world and i am more and more thankful for you every day! Have a great week! 

Love your son Elder Cache Summers

It All Starts From The Home....

Hey momma!!!!
man there is something about a letter from your momma :) Nothing beats that. thank you.  Mom i definately know what you mean. I have been on a very short temper this last 2 weeks and i am still working on just trying to laugh at the things that happen :) haha it is super hard but i just remember that they are children of the father too and that he loves them just as much as he loves me and then that helps me. I also pray and ask to feel a portion of the love that our heavenly father has for them and that is a very cool experience. :)
 the weather here was way too hot and than the lord blessed me with rain the last 3 days!! It is nice, the only problem is that when it gets wet smells like dad's rear end. man it smells like crap!! haha i guess i will never ever get away from the stench :)  So ya you got to see part of our sundays. haha we start church at 7am with meetings, and we are done in the building at 4pm. than we continue to do jesus work :) that is what i have been calling it. :) hmmm what else? o yes our transfers are on wednesday, I have not the slightest idea what will happen but our mission is going to be split in 5 weeks so this transfer will most likely be a big one. Mom i have never loved the lord more than i love him now. i am so thankful for all that he has helped me with and the love that you have helped me feel from him. It all starts from the home and the quality of our parents. I was blessed with the greatest parents in the world! thank you. It makes me feel bad because i know that others don't have parents like you and dad but than again i wouldn't have wanted it any other way :) Thank you momma for being the person you are :) you truly are a daughter of god and it is very apparent that he loves you. :) can you imagine how pleased he will be with you when you stand in front of him and he thanks you for helping so many of his children come back to his presence just because you were a great mom :) the most important calling and you magnified it to the fullest so far :) I guess what i am trying to tell you is that I LOVE YOU :) have a great week mom!! You can do it!

Love your redhead son,
Elder Cache Bartley Summers :)
ps you are beautiful to, just to add to how amazing you are :)

Hey dad! just wanted to say hello! hope all is going well with you. i wanted you to know that i am doing great and that all is well. i am healthy and I love the work and I am still going strong. thanks for all that you do! have a great week, i love you dad! i will talk to you again next week, keep pushing forward!

Love your son Elder Cache Summers