Hey dad, thanks for the email. so every night i have been praying that you and fish will be able to find those slimy little buggers. i have asked that if you have faith and are living all the commandments that he will bless you and fish in where you go and that fish will find your nets. so read pray and go to church, and the fish will be there according to yours and his faith. expect the lord to bless you and have faith that he will, and if you do all that you can than he will bless you abundantly. I really miss you guys, but i use stories about you guys to help convert others. so the things that you have taken me to do is helping others come to christ. So we fasted the other day and we fasted for a new investigator and a member to tell us about a family that we can teach and that the non members will be willing to investigate the church. so that day this happened, we had a member text us and tell us he went and asked his neighbor to meet with us and him and his family agreed so we are gonna start teaching them, and than the 2 non members we saw both agreed to investigate the church, and we found a new investigator that day. fasting works so well so maybe fast and pray for the fish to come so that it can help our family. anyways thanks dad, your awesome!! you are the best example that i had and still have here today, i love you and thanks for saying you are proud of me. i worked my entire life to hear you say that you are proud of me and i got it a few times, it made me feel like all i have done has been worth it. i love you dad! jeremiah 16:16 that is you. have a great week and slay the fish!! PEACE!
It sounds like Hayden is doing awesome, Where is he at in Utah now?