Letters from our Boy...Utah

Letters from our Boy...Utah

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Miss Near Death Experiences......

Hey momma!!! but ya how was your week momma? and happy late birthday, so I learned how to play nearer my god to thee and hymn 26 and can you feel the love tonight on the piano!! haha i am getting pretty good, and i learned how to read it myself by playing it an dhearing if it sounded right than memorizing it!! it was pretty cool! so ya umm, the heat is making me have some zits again because i am always sweating here. it was over 100 almost every day this last week!! i am trying to send you some heat but i dont think it is working, utah is burning to the ground in a ball of burning waistland. haha jk but it is burning pretty good. I love you momma!! you are amazing!! have a great week!! can you believe that i have almost been gone for 6 months? o and i lost 20 pounds since i have been here! :) I love you!! bye momma!! :) 

Hey dad!! it sounds like you had some serious blessings going for you this last week, sorry about the alternator. those can be expensive. I pray every night that you and fish will have he strength and the faith to catch the fish. i ask heavenly father that he will guide you to fish and that the fish will be led into your nets, just get them out there and than let the lord direct the fish to the nets. i really wish that i could be with you to show you how to fish and be with you guys as you try to die! i miss near death experiences. They are really fun  My comp got sick this week and i had to spend 2 days stuck in the stupid house! but i got a lot of reading and studying done, and i also went up to the piano and taught myself how to read music so i can now play 3 songs on the piano, if i knew how easy it was to learn the piano than i would have a long time ago. so ya sorry that this is gonna be short,. and all missions are hard no matter where you go. they are all challenging in their own special ways. so thank you guys for the salmon and halibut, we are eating some toninght. It actually went to our neighbors so they just brought it over to us, haha i told him if he knew what it was than he would have just kept it. and he agreed, so ya good luck with fishing, the lord will provide, i love you dad, ill talk to you later! Peace!

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